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why your Biceps and Triceps are not growing up?

Hi everyone today i am talking about the some facts of biceps and triceps.Its our mistake that we do not focus on arms and then we did not see the true result  and get demotivate .Don't be demotivate and lets start again in right way so i will tell you some mistakes of yourself . Common Mistakes: You are not training Enough You need to train your arms two to three times a week with proper workout which i will share here with you. You are not using proper form Its mean that leave your ego at the door because ego you can't do anything in your life. You are only training light You need to train with heavy weights and keep in your mind that you are not only doing pumps your arms ,you are doing proper workout. You are not progressing Increase weights and Reps and sets I have told you some common mistakes and their solutions so now i will tell you the proper workout which is also helpful for increase your arms size and gives you more power.If you follow my workout plan then you must

How to reduce belly fat for girls in One Month?

First of all you need passion and consistency in your workout.Here i am talking about the bad belly fat which is against our personality.Everybody wants look better in his/her life so i will tell you some core exercises and diet for your bad belly fat . Exercise details: ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ 🔥RB straight leg raise (slow eccentric)⁠⠀ 🔥RB high plank alt knee tuck x 10 reps each side ⁠⠀ 🔥RB lying hip starfish x 8 reps⁠⠀ 🔥RB lying alt power knee tucks x 10 reps each side ⁠⠀ 🔥RB lying alt leg cycles x 8 each side⁠ ⠀ ⁠ 3 rounds with 1 minute rest in-between each round. Diet instructions: In that time you need to control over yourself from eating junk food and other fatty foods like pizza's,burgers,finger chips,oily things,containing sugar things and other.If you can control over there then you get result 100 percent from your workout.And stop eating again and again its also gives you bad fat on your belly.I will tell you the things that you use used during your worko